Empowering Kiwi Kids to Engage in God’s Mission

Our Mission-Minded Kids course is making a big impact in NZ Christian schools. We’re using inspiring content – activities, games, stories and discussions – to empower children to engage in God’s mission. 

Timothy 4:12: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

Age is no barrier to being used by God in this world. And we believe children from a young age, can develop an awareness about the world and their relative privilege within it. We want to help them realise the importance of the Great Commission and encourage them to be mission-minded (focused on how God might want to use them, even as children, to do his work in this world).

Over three, 1-hour long lessons, children (usually aged between 8-10 years), will learn about diversity of culture, the great commission, the role of missionaries, the persecuted church, and practical ways of meeting peoples physical and spiritual needs.  The sessions end with a challenge to apply their learning practically, by fundraising for disadvantaged children in another country.

What are teachers and principals saying about MMK?

“The programme is excellent. The interactive nature of the lessons give the students an understanding and feel for the persecuted church and the challenges Christians face in some countries in the developing world.” – Sandra Bosman, Jireh Christian School Principal

“Students thoroughly enjoyed the wide range of activities. There were a lot of interactive moments and times where students could discuss ideas with their group. They found the role plays really exciting and it was a beneficial way for students to realise what other people experience on a daily basis. It was very thought-provoking and encouraged them to consider other people more. Overall, my students have a better understanding of what mission is, how other people experience life and what they can do to get involved in spreading God’s Word. Thank you so much! – Elim Mt Albert teachers.

“From kinesthetic, oral, writing and listening activities, this catered for all our students! Students were engaged and eager to learn on a topic that they do not always hear about. They were interested, and asked good follow up questions during class time. Brilliant!” – KingsWay Christian School teachers.

Donate towards Mission Minded Kids

If you’d love to help inspire Christian kiwi  kids to become less self-oriented and more mission-minded, we invite you to get behind this course! Your donations to our Backbone Supporter fund will assist us in paying a  trained teacher to facilitate this course and cover associated costs for course materials. 

You could set up a monthly or weekly automatic payment of whatever amount you choose. Of course we welcome one-off donations too!
Donations can be made to our AONZ Office Support account: 01-0434-0091261-00 (reference ‘Backbone) OR Click donate below if you’d like to donate with credit card via paypal. Please send us an email, once you’ve donated, so that we can thank you personally! 

Bring the Mission Minded Kids course to your school/Church

If you are a parent, teacher, principal or children’s pastor and you’d like to explore the option of us bringing this course to your Christian school or church. Please email kirsty@asianoutreach.org.nz to start the conversation.