Our Missionaries
Dale and Anthony
Dale and Anthony have lived in Malaysia with their sons (Paul, Daniel and John) for seven years. Their ministry is to befriend and disciple migrant workers. They run English classes, bible classes to train leaders and services for Vietnamese women. Many young new believers are becoming committed evangelists.
Pray that God would pour out his spirit to touch the many nations gathered in Malaysia at this time.
Emily and Jared
Emily and Jared are serving as the Executive Directors of Asian Outreach Cambodia (AOC) in Stung Treng. They’ve been there for four years and are now focused on building up and investing in the AOC staff made up of 21 Khmer locals. AOC’s projects have impacted over 6000 people in 2018, providing, for example, clean water and sanitation to rural communities, training opportunities at The Hope Centre, school fees and healthcare for families affected by poverty.
Pray for more staff to fill vacancies in their team – English teachers who can commit long term, a guest and teams coordinator and a communications staff member.
Mitchell has been in South Asia for one year, working in the marketing department of a freedom business which employs marginalised people. Mitchell’s ministry centres around his colleagues. He is committed to building relationships that open a way for his faith and God’s love to be shared.
Pray for more opportunities for Mitchell to impart the truth and love of Jesus into new believers and non-believers, helping them grow in Christian maturity.
‘Lisa’ first began serving as a missionary in Asia 25 years ago. She has a regular part-time job (for income and visa purposes) and is devoted, in her spare time, to travelling into a remote mountainous region to build relationships and share the gospel with an “unreached” minority group. She also trains English teachers in the countryside and helps run English programmes as a first connection point for sharing her faith.
Pray that God’s protection and supernatural peace will cover Lisa as authorities heighten their surveillance of foreigners in Christian ministry. Pray that police suspicion will subside, and that Christians can meet and minister to others without fear.
‘Kylie’ has, for the past five years, been committed to making disciples in a ‘creative access’ nation. She connects with local people, (often through English language and cooking classes), and through friendship, she is able to share the message of Jesus and journey with them.
Pray that God determines who attends these classes, and that the Holy Spirit empowers Kylie to lead people towards Christ.
‘Adam’ keeps a culture of mission at the heart of the small consultancy business he runs in SE Asia and the life skills training he is involved in. He co-leads the AO team with a local colleague, focusing on church-planting. They hope to see 19 new churches started in the next year.
Pray that the new churches being planted will stand up against ongoing persecution from family and authorities.
Badmaa Tsogoo is the National Director of Genesis Asian Outreach Mongolia (GAOM). Since our kiwi missionaries, Andrew and Liz Moselen, returned to NZ earlier this year, we continue to work closely with Badmaa to support GAOM projects e.g. training church leaders, rural church planting, LifeSkills Values classes and holiday programmes for school kids.
Pray for transformation for Mongolia – that fathers would become godly role-models, that the education system and children will be impacted by the gospel message and that churches will multiply and grow in the power of the Holy Spirit. Also pray for strength and wisdom for the GAOM team.