The Big Picture
Right now, Mongolia is opening its doors to God’s message and there’s an opportunity for you to help the children hear it! When missionaries first entered Mongolia, there were only a handful of Christians in the whole land. Fast-forward 31 years and state schools are open to us teaching Christian values using bible-stories and scriptures! And judging by the engagement-level of children, their hearts are hungry for the message of Jesus’ love. Opportunities to share God’s truth in New Zealand schools are sadly nearly non-existent these days. But wherever the door is open to God’s Word, let’s make sure resources are available to pour into what He is doing.
The LifeSkills Values Education lessons, run by our friends at Asian Outreach Mongolia, teach concepts like forgiveness, respect and honesty, using stories from the bible. Remember, the majority of these children have never even heard about Jesus! And now they are memorising proverbs and transforming their behaviour and attitudes in response to God’s Word!
We believe the LifeSkills programme is a significant piece in God’s plan to reach Mongolia with a revelation of His goodness. So, if you’re passionate about helping fulfil ‘the great commission’, then please consider donating towards the salaries of our LifeSkills teachers in Mongolia.
Account: 01-0434-0091261-02 / Ref: ‘LifeSkills’ or click here to donate with credit card.
The Impact
Thousands of students and their families are being impacted by the content of LifeSkills lessons and associated parenting classes.
We’re hearing stories of reconciliation and forgiveness between sons and fathers as kids forgive their dads for mistreating their mothers. They’re testifying of how their parents’ involvement in the programme has led to the atmosphere in their family homes shifting for the better.
Teachers are also observing positive behavioural changes in their classrooms as these kids finally get the chance to hear and internalise the very same values taught by Jesus.
LifeSkills students are also invited to attend Christian camps and events, where they learn about the one true God, creation, sin and salvation. As a result, 320 kids have accepted Jesus as their saviour for the first time and decided to become his disciples!
Jesus himself said “let the little children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Now here’s your opportunity to get involved in drawing more children to Jesus. If you’d like to be part of the great commission in Mongolia, then this ministry is worth supporting. You can set up regular donations or a one-off gift into this account: 01-0434-0091261-02 / Reference: ‘LifeSkills’. Or click button below to donate with credit card via paypal.