The Harvest is plentiful…

Jesus invites us to be part of the great commission – making disciples of all the nations. And after decades of communism, now is Mongolia’s time for disciple-making! Under communist reign, Christianity was intensely suppressed in Mongolia between 1924 and 1990. Churches and monasteries were closed and religious leaders were persecuted. When communism fell and Christian missionaries entered the country in 1990, it’s said that they could only find four Christians in the whole land – they had their work cut out for them!

Fast-forward to now and there are over 70,000 believers, however most of them live in Ulaanbaatar (the capital city). Much of Mongolia’s population is still unreached – spread across the vast land in small isolated villages, having never heard about Jesus. The full bible was only just translated into Mongolian in 2002, so this nation is relatively new to the Christian faith.  Yet generally, Mongolian hearts are very open to the good news of Jesus. 

Our partners in Mongolia are carrying out a strategic plan to equip and inspire the local church to reach the unreached areas  of their nation. Leaders need to be trained and mentored so they have solid biblical understanding and can evangelise and disciple people effectively. This is kingdom-building work and Jesus’ words seem to describe the situation accurately: “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

We need your help to send more workers into the harvest-field! By helping fund this work, you can play your part in the great commission. 


Help Make Disciples in Mongolia…

Because of our partners’ church-planting and leadership-development work, many Mongolian people have heard about Jesus for the first time, and are now following Him. And many more will continue to hear the good news, with our help. Join hundreds of other kiwis today, with a gift that helps resource the workers to carry out the great commission in Mongolia. Click here to make a donation with credit card or transfer funds to account: 01-0434-0091261-02 (reference: Mongolia Disciples).

Church Planting

Our partners at Genesis Asian Outreach Mongolia (GAOM) have been leading church-planting teams from the capital city, Ulaanbaatar,  into rural parts of Overkhangai Province. Multiple times each year they travel hundreds of kilometres to remote villages, where most people have never heard of Jesus. There, they preach the good news and support new believers in their faith-journeys. They identify strong leaders and invest time discipling them. These new leaders than then guide other believers confidently in bible-studies, worship and prayer. 

Church-planters navigate a questionable bridge on the way to a remote village

Our partners are also committed to facilitating church growth in unreached areas of Uvs Province. In the past, elders and pastors of the few urban churches in this area were disconnected, with little passion or plan for outreach. After working with our partners over the past few years, there are now ten churches that are collaborating with a united purpose to make disciples. They’ve planted six churches in their own town and four churches in nearby villages. Over the last four years, two pastors in particular (Mendee and Altai) have been taught by example, how to lead mission-trips, preach the gospel and teach God’s word effectively. They have now risen to the challenge of leading their church-members on mission-trips to remote towns in Uvs Province and outreach is now a key priority in their church communities. Our partners will continue to identify and train key mission-workers from Uves, to make disciples in four more unreached villages.

To continue making these purposeful trips, our partners and people they have trained, need funding for transport, food and accommodation, as well as bibles and audio-bibles to  resource the new believers.  Will you help resource the workers by donating today?

GCI Leadership Training

GCI stands for Great Commission Institute (GCI). This is a leadership training initiative, launched by our partners in 1997. Over 80% of the first-generation Christian leaders of Mongolia, have been trained through GCI. 

Through GCI, every year, hundreds of Christian leaders gain an in-depth understanding of their role and responsibility to help grow God’s kingdom. Often Mongolian Christians assume leadership positions early on into their faith, without formal training, and sometimes with very limited biblical knowledge. GCI courses provide a solid biblical  foundation for leaders. The goal is to equip them to teach and disciple others effectively. They come away with a fresh vision to motivate and empower their own church-members to be active participants in making disciples. So training these leaders, has a ripple-effect when they return to their home communities.

The leaders attending GCI training often cannot afford to cover the costs of the course (printed-manuals, wages for the facilitators and venue fees). By helping fund GCI training for Mongolia’s church leaders, you are equipping them with knowledge and confidence, propelling them forward to play an active role in fulfilling the great commission in their nation! 

We’re excited to partner with you in this disciple-making work in Mongolia!

Donate to Make Disciples in Mongolia Today!