RobertRobert Choy | Board Chairman

Robert has been an Asian Outreach supporter for over 40 years and a Board member since 2008, currently serving as the Board Chair. He has worked for  over 30 years in development organisations in the overseas aid sector and for social services in the NZ domestic sector, specialising in financial, project and grant management. He has served as Executive Officer of a developing microfinance institution, supporting the establishment of ethical lending to low income families in New Zealand.

Robert lived and worked in Cambodia for 4 years and has travelled extensively in the developing world. He is currently the Programs Manager at an international NGO based in Tauranga and supports his son in running their local garden centre. He is excited to be able to utilise his skills and experience to help steward and guide the ministry of  Asian Outreach in New Zealand.


Bruce TaylorBruce Taylor | Board Member

Pastor Bruce Taylor was born and educated in New Zealand and specialised for 12 years in Occupational Health, Infectious Diseases and Community Development, and also in property management. He was later on the pastoral staff of a city church with over 50 nationalities attending. Bruce then became Vice President of AO International in Hong Kong, serving on the boards of many AO ministries across Asia. He now is based in New Zealand. He and his wife Diane travel extensively to Asia each year, especially Cambodia, Mongolia, Vietnam and China. Bruce is a passionate project manager, fundraiser and mentor to many church, business and NGO leaders across the world.



Malcolm Horne | Board Member

Malcolm served with his wife, Alison, and their three children on the mission fields of both Cambodia and North Africa for a combined 14 years.

Malcolm and Alison now reside in Tauranga and continue to be involved in outreach locally. They enjoy connecting with and supporting other overseas missionaries who are in transit to and from the mission field. 




Esther Newberry | Board Member

Raised internationally, Esther has seen firsthand the impact projects make on communities. After traveling to over a dozen countries, primarily in the developing world, she has a global perspective and a passion to see the nations come to Jesus. Esther has worked alongside multiple organisations, and continues working with the Aspiring Leaders’ Forum and National Leadership Forum training up young leaders to live according to their values. 

Now based in Hamilton, Esther continues looking for opportunities that make an impact. Since moving back in 2017, Esther has passionately volunteered across a range of roles including youth leader, camp committee, prison ministry, worship leader, fundraiser, treasurer, and children’s coordinator. She adds her unique perspective to Asian Outreach and gets involved with projects nationally and internationally.

Ann Bailey | Board Member

Ann is married with two grown up children and has three granddaughters. She emigrated from England in 2001 and feels privileged to call New Zealand home.

She is an English teacher at a Christian School in Auckland. Ann is passionate about Christian Mission and has been involved in several overseas mission trips to Indonesia, Thailand, Fiji and Cambodia. She believes in the value of encouraging young people to attend short term mission trips as she has seen many students whose lives have been changed through learning how their counterparts live in countries less developed than their own.